TNT Toastmasters offers guidance & tools for self-paced, peer-to-peer training in public speaking & leadership.

How You Can Grow in Toastmasters

Your Commitment

If You but Try –  We will help You become a Distinguished Speaker and Toastmaster

Our members shape the future of our club and it’s as much of an honor as it is a duty. As members, we all commit to the following:

  • Become a better speaker and better leader
  • Strive for a positive & professional attitude
  • Attend weekly meetings & help the club members succeed

Toastmasters is International

Our TNT club is a small but important part of the Toastmasters International!

As you make progress on your personal Toastmasters goals, you will have the chance to support the well-being and success of the club by actively participating during the meetings and acting as an officer.

At contests, you will compete against other Toastmaster members and gauge your performance through humorous speeches, evaluations, Table Topics, etc. Voluntary competitions help to break the weekly routine and grow your speaking skills.  TNT prides itself as an award-winning club, and our members regularly compete up to Division and District levels!

Other special events include training/workshops (usually only for a modest fee), or social gatherings, all sponsored by your Area, Division, or District.


TNT (Town North Trendsetters) Club #4533

29 Active Members

Area 64

5 Clubs

Division Town North

35 Clubs

District 50

260 Clubs / 5,000 Members

Region 3

2,000 Clubs / 13,000 Members

Toastmasters International

13,500 Clubs / 275,000 Members

Link to TNT Toastmasters Google Drive: