For those who missed our last meeting, here’s a summary of our August 16th session, by Stu Presley, VP Public Relations:
“The meeting was called to order and kicked off by Ron Amberg ACS/ALB with some exciting Table Topic questions presented by Pauline Shirley, DTM/PIP. After Table Topics the meeting moved to our prepared speeches.
We had three speakers today; Toastmaster Adam Garziano giving his 4th speech titled “Guest Room or Get Paid”, Stu Presley ACB/ALS gave a speech from an Advanced manual “We Get The Call”, and Toastmaster Tony Carr spoke on “Death by Candy.”
The speeches kept us spellbound and entertained, each with their own uniqueness.
After the prepared speeches Bruce Arfsteen, DTM led the evaluation portion of the meeting.
Aaron Cottle, ACB/ALB gave his evaluation of Adam’s speech, Toastmaster Laurie Schilthus gave an evaluation for Stu Presley’s speech and wrapped up with an evaluation by Mary Thomas, ACS/ALB giving an evaluation of Tony’s speech.
And the Winners!
The result of the votes for best speaker of Table Topics, Speaker, and Evaluator was announced by Ron Amberg ACS/ALB .
New TNT Toastmaster member Edward Martin was awarded Best Table Topics,
Mary Thomas was named Best Evaluator, and
Tony Carr was awarded Best Speaker.
It was a great meeting and we are looking forward to the Humorous speech contest next week.
Stu Presley, VP Public Relations.”